Here are the original 200x100 images (taken from Blender's splash screens of various versions),
click on them to toggle upscaled version to that type:
Scaled up 600% to 1200x600:
Use buttons below to toggle between various applications and their scaling algorithms.
Bold buttons indicate generally "default" scaling choice in each application.
Each column is what looks like the same or almost exactly the same algorithm.
Lotsa Blur
Is this Mitchell?
Is this Bicubic?
Sinc based
Sharp Arse!
Gimp 2.10.36
ImageMagick 7.1.1
Krita 5.2.2
DaVinci 18.6
Blender 4.1
Gimp and stb_image_resize results are subtly different from others, even for Bilinear. Looks like they do convert source sRGB image to linear,
do filtering there, and convert back to sRGB.
Bilinear has a black "border of transparency". This used to happen before Blender 4.1, it's been fixed for 4.1.
Cubic B-Spline and Cubic Mitchell are new options for Blender 4.1 (#117100,
Default in Blender 4.1 is "automatic" that picks between Nearest, Linear and Cubic Mitchell based on scaling factor.